Saturday, April 16, 2011

In memory of the Great Charlie Chaplin on His 123rd Birthday

You are the greatest comedian till now
Chaplin, on your 123rd Birthday, take a bow.
Your mortal self has deserted us long ago
But your image is the ‘logo’
And source of inspiration for all comedians
While your immortal humane soul is billion’s fascination.
‘Great Dictator’, ‘Gold Rush’ and ‘The Circus’, to name a few
Your acting prowess embraces us like fresh ‘Morning Dew’.
Wherever you are, ‘May Your Mobility Never Deserts You’
Bless the love-hate world to establish ‘Joy’ anew.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Observations: A Dream

My Observations: A Dream: "There is strange smell in the air. The origin is not clear. Everyday is different from the previous day. The smell is getting stronger and k..."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Observations: 3 Cheers for Indian Cricket Team

My Observations: 3 Cheers for Indian Cricket Team: "‘Men in Blue’ have done it again, No doubt with lots of pain. Kudos to all of them for this grand victory, Who have helped us to rega..."

3 Cheers for Indian Cricket Team

‘Men in Blue’ have done it again,

No doubt with lots of pain.

Kudos to all of them for this grand victory,

Who have helped us to regain a famous glory.

Time to rock on through grand celebration

With feasts and colorful procession.

A World Cup Victory after 28 years

Rears heart-felt ecstatic ‘Tears’.

Cricket will be no more just a game

To us it will appear in the ‘Zone of Fame’.

Time to move ahead in other fields too.

Let us successfully carry through

Our identity in the world with higher dignity.